Monday, August 13, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

I should be used to this by now, as it is how my life goes. Teaching always end up requiring more time than I think it will. Even though I have taught the class before, and had things planned out, it never runs smoothly as one might hope. And then there are farm animals and a household to look after, all while trying to schedule time for demos, gaming and painting. So this blog ended up at the bottom of my list of priorities. Someone who responded to my survey (I have a feeling I know who) suggested I try and just set a goal for posting once a week, which is probably a very good plan.

***edited a bunch of stuff out***

Actually, this kind of leads back to gaming. I've taken a break from posting on the forums of various places lately. Because people have been getting all worked up there too. I just don't get it - if everything is so very awful in this hobby, why not try something else? At first, I wanted to jump into the fracas, but I didn't because I couldn't think of a way to respond that wasn't filled with vitriol. So I just edited what I was reading, but still I would catch a bit of back and forth that in the end, just turned so utterly BORING. I guess people don't get that if you choose to stand and shout incessantly, it all ceases to have any meaning whatsoever. Because most everybody just wishes you would pipe down so we could have some peace and quiet, instead of the nonstop babble. Ugh. I guess people think being exceedingly opinionated about everything makes them more interesting, but really, it just makes you the person who has an issue with everything all the time. And that isn't interesting at all, just a one-dimensional caricature. A bloviating bore. And it's election year, there's enough of that going on already, everywhere else.

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