Beginning Malifaux

**This was written prior to M2E. Needs a lot of updating.**

I am adding this page so that new players in my area, and elsewhere, might have an basic idea of the resources available for free or by purchase regarding the rules of the game and various tactica and stories.


Original Malifaux Rulebook, Book 1: this is currently out of print. If you do have an older copy, please realize that there have been a number of changes to rules and models stats. This has been re-released recently as Book 1.5, which contains the fluff (stories) and artwork from the original book, as well as the updated rules and book 1 models' stats.

Rising Powers, Book 2: This book introduced new masters and Henchmen/Special Forces. The few rules updates contained here were superseded by the later Rules Manual.

Twisting Fates, Book 3: Introduces Avatars for all Masters existing at this point. Not essential, as if you purchase the Avatar, it will include the Avatar card, but I feel it is a good idea to at least read through all the books at some point.

Storm of Shadows, Book 4: Introduces the Ten Thunders faction and other goodness. I will update this once I get my copy.


The wyrd forums are always a good place to ask a question, but there is also a fan-made tactica that can be very useful for new players. This is a great place whether you have already bought a crew and want to know how to use it, or if you are trying to decide on a new crew and want to find out if you might like its playstyle.

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